

There is not such a thing unconditional love. Everything has conditions. Sometimes it is easily understood, sometimes it is just hard to understand. Not long time ago someone asked me if I was loved unconditionally. I do not think so. At the same time I do not believe there is such a thing. If I am wrong life will prove me otherwise. Maybe initially people love unconditionally somebody or something but eventually conditions come to the picture. We, humans, just wired that way. We can not give w/out taking something back. Maybe some of us are able to give more than recieve but eventually we all want something back. Maybe respect, understanding, companionship, etc. But we do expect something back.

I believe we cannot love anything unconditionally that moves around, breath and interact with us. The word INTERACT is a key here. There are many things we can love if it does not interact.

Will you love your dog if s/he attacks people or even worse your child? Will you love your TV if it takes you everyday 5 minutes to turn it on? Will parents love their child at the same level unconditionally who always break things around the house and causes trouble? I do not think so. I am not saying parents will not love that child but if we ask a question to that child if s/he thinks his or her parents love them the most of the time the answer is NO. Not because parents do not love but because they do not show same level of love to their trouble child. Sometime they do love that child but they do not show it. Then question what good does that love do to the child if it is not felt . Love meant to be expressed and felt. If it is not felt then it is not there.

If parents can not love their own child unconditionally then why on the world I should convince myself that some DUDE will love me that way? Beside that if I cannot love myself unconditionally then why I should expect from anybody?

I think nowadays most of us forget how to love ourselves then we look around to find somebody to love us. I look at it as setting myself in failure. It took me couple years to realize nobody will love me the way I want to be loved. The only way for me to get that love is to give it to myself. There are a lot of thing to be enjoyed in this world w/out anybody beside. However, I would not deny the fact that if you have somebody besides you who appreciates, respects, understands, and supports you would feel great.

If you pay attention I did not say LOVED. I think the word LOVE is overestimated. There is no such a thing LOVE. LOVE is combination of other feelings. If somebody is just feeling love, I am sure that “LOVE” is not going to last long.

With love,



Theresa said...

I really like what you said about self-Love. It's true, we can't expect someone else to fill the emptiness when we don't love ourselves.

I, for one, do believe in unconditional Love. It's very rare, but I've seen it. Some very precious people in my life have stuck with me through thick and thin. At the times when I've been my lowest, they've shown me more Love than ever before. Maybe it's possible for me to do something that would cause their Love to diminish, but with so much evidence to the contrary, I believe their Love is true.

No_the_game said...

Hey Ken,

Thanks for your encouragement.
Pls visit again and love to hear from you more.
