
The foundation of my life used to be built on illusions when I was young. When I was teenager I built wrong walls on bad foundation to keep my roof over my head. I decorated my roof so fancy and attractive that I started to believe my illusion-based foundation is fixed. Now I am 26 going to be 27 soon I feel there is a need to scratch everything and start over again, especially my romantic life. My roof is leaking badly. It is letting all rain snow and storm to find its way to my rusted heart.
I learned something today. It is in Latin : Festina Lente which means Hurry and Wait.


Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Babygirl, It really seems like you've been through some SHIT! Don't kick so much rocks.

Danielle said...

i hear yah about men, gurl do I hear ya,thaks for checken me out, ill be back!!!

Clay said...

you've been added to my blog list!