

Every day is a lesson. I was running in a beautiful Forest Park (I have been told Forest Park is older then Central park but a pit smaller) yesterday. Forest Park is truly beautiful if you ever come to STL/Lou’ (that is the way we call Saint Louis) you got to check this park. If you into running or roller-skating you CANNOT miss the opportunity. It was my routine 7 miles running and it was hot outside. I generally do not run in the heat. But yesterday, I really wanted sunlights dance on my skin. I wanted SUN to warm my heart.

Running is my distresser. So, I charged my Ipod (over 100 music) and started my running with Ludacris “Move bitch” song. The second song was Punjabi MC Feat with Jay Z. When third song came on I was listening but not to music. I was listening to the soul inside of me. My mind was wondering how people love and how many forms of love are out there : Passionate love, love with patient, love with a lot of expectation, love for sake of love, platonic love, desperate love, love with demand, love with commitment and etc. At the end we all love only the way we know how. I am only going to write about love with patience. It is the only form of love I can afford to have (in given circumstances) or give to somebody.

I also would call love with patience letting things to take place naturally. At the end, most forms of love require if not demand patience. Patience in everything reveals real nature of feelings. When you love with patience you know that it might not give the result that was expected. At the same time it prepares one to expect worse. When you love with patience you do not create an internal conflict within you soul. Love with patience is the hardest and rewarding I think. Oh well, may not be rewarding but it is the type of love it gives you inner peace. You just take things slow and see what is out there.

It is hard to love patiently when you want somebody badly in your life. That being said, we want too many things in life such as a nice car, a beautiful house, a great vacation but most of us do not get those. 9 out of 10 we do not get obsessed about them either. Then why cannot we apply the same philosophy to a romantic department? I think it is all about practice. What do you think?

With Love,
P.S Today is 9/11 and we should not forget this day. God Bless America.


E said...

I agree. Practice definitely makes perfect. As far as relationships, the drama sometimes met in each of those is exhausting at times. But there are lessons learned that you can definitely apply to the next relationship.

No_the_game said...


Thanks for stoping by. I agree with ya that some lessons can be applicable to next relationship.

some of them just need to be kept out of it. Because if u assume that last person done it there is possibility next will do the same.

U know I just give up analyzing ppl. I take the face value of the words

Danielle said...

gurl.....you need to be my damn therapist or somethen!!! lmao!!! your all that!!! for real!

No_the_game said...

Lady In Satin,
You are right. Love is what we make out of it. But one thing is critical. We have to understant the love we feel for a person is the same type s/he feels for us. Otherwise, you become "a hot mess" :)


Jigger, just join me for long ass boring running. You will also become a love preacher like me LOL. Seriously, I have been hurt so much in the romantic department. I made me to understand it better and a preacher.

Black Goddess,

Patient love has one but very important rule. The love you feel has to be two way street. Othewise it makes you a hopeless romantic.

Love ya all for showing me some love. If you have any questions send it to me. I will be preaching on more love relationship


Ddot the King said...

Great writing. You seem to have a little knowledge wit ya! Very cool blog.

No_the_game said...

Hey lightning BB,

Thanks for stoping by. U point is well taken


Theresa said...

When you say that loving patiently is about letting things happen naturally, I wonder if that also means you have to feel at ease and comfortable with yourself? When I think about letting relationships happen naturally, I think about some of my best friends. They're the people I feel the most comfortable with. If I could have a romantic relationship develop with the same patience, comfort and ease, I'd have the whole mystery figured out.